No breakfast in bed, no brunch! On Father's Day we were up really early to get to an
appropriately-themed race in Central Park. Dad surprisingly did his thing running miles in 27:4something and showed he might just be on his way back into shape—later Freddy said he looked like he was going a lot slower than he actually was.
The highlight of course was Raul getting down in his second race ever—the 3-4 year old age bracket in the kids category. Not quite five miles—not quite 50 meters!—Runnin Raul sprinted the whole way in the kind of race where the real prize is not falling down and skinning your knee. The medal at the finish line is just an extra bonus!
Later Dad asked him, What were you thinking about during your race?. And Raul replied, "Nothing, Daddy. I was just focused!"
Thanks to Fred for the support, shouts to Mom, Abi, Bobby, Trish, Harmon and the baby for coming out!